Friday, November 5, 2010

Why the thrift store is my friend

In the same way that Ikea is my friend. And HomeGoods. And yard sales too. For the basic reason that I never want my house to look like this:

Stuffy, if you ask me. And way too expensive. And it kind of looks like a hotel lobby. I've had so much fun buying inexpensive things for our little apartment. Seeing as we have no idea when we might be moving next, and I left most of our belongings in Clemson, we needed a few simple things to make it feel like home around here. 

These mugs made by Sundance were $1 each at the local thrift store. 

That cute lamp was $3. And that cute French pillow on the couch was inexpensive too, which my sister found in HomeGoods. I refuse to buy upholstered items from the thrift store, because I am terrified of bed bugs. Oh and the side table was from the thrift store too! Because it isn't upholstered.....

These glass bowls were $1. For FOUR bowls! The fourth isn't in the photo because it was dirty. And since we don't have a dishwasher, I only do dishes once a day. Sorry, Mr. Fourth Bowl who didn't make the photo. Maybe next time. 

The eggplant couch and lamp and curtains are from Ikea. The green pillows are from HomeGoods. The side table is from a yard sale. 

I got this cool painting at a yard sale for $5. The sister kind of ridiculed it, but I hung it anyway and LOVE it.  But not as much as I love her, even when she hates on my painting. 

I refuse to buy a dresser since we have 3 in storage. So I finally hung this mirror and shelf so that I can do my makeup while standing rather than crouched on the floor, looking into a mirror that is leaning against the wall. Which is what I've been doing for 3 weeks and Thomas laughs at me down there. The only problem with this shelf is that our walls are pretty terrible. There is something behind them that prohibits proper hanging techniques. So the shelf isn't very sturdy. In fact, my sweet husband who I love so much was leaning his petite frame upon the shelf the other night and it crashed to the floor. And a few items broke. And the people living below us probably thought an earthquake was occurring. 

If your house looks like this, and you wish it didn't.....

call me and I'll be glad to help you out. I don't have anything else to do!


  1. Hey Margaret, It's Bonnie from hunting class! Just so you know I love readying your blog and I follow it on mine! I also love thrift stores and yard sales and craigslist! Don't know if you are aware but we are expecting and ALL of our stuff we buy ourselves will be secondhand... except cribbing and stuff like that! I'm also staying at home now and I love it!

  2. I love your blog almost as much as i love my sweet niece!! funny about thomas leaning his petite self on the shelf! ha! bye!

  3. Thanks for the new pictures. You have such a gift for creating a home! I wish you lived closer and could work over mine every so often.

  4. I love this post :) It cracks me up. The thrift store is awesome... and our apartment follows a similar "design style" to yours... well, ours would be more A la Craigslist than thrift store, but you get the gist.. haha. And that horse painting is awesome!
