Friday, January 1, 2010

More photos of Christmas festivities

It is in times like this when Thomas and Ben were wrestling in the hallway of the hotel that I question the reality of my life. Is this normal?? Who did I marry?!
More lights at the hotel. This picture makes me really happy because it sums up our Christmas: although spending it at a hotel in Nashville wasn't ideal, it sure was fun!
It was SO COLD at the game, but my sweet Aunt Nancy and her faithful friend Nanette still came to the game and were a blast to be with! THANK YOU Nancy and Nanette!
Post-game happiness! 
After the bowl game we drove to York to spend a few hours with my family, then woke up at 4am Tuesday morning and flew to West Point, NY to spend a week with Thomas' family. It has been such a blast! His parents are working with Officers of Christian Fellowship and live in a HUGE 9 bedroom home in Highland Falls. It is cozy and very bed & breakfasty. All of the siblings except for Jenn are here (Jenn, Russell and Baby Foxworth: we miss you!) and every bedroom is full. Some of us went skiing one day and we had to leave my niece Skylar with Thomas. The photo above was what her diaper looked like when we got back. Thomas said he had to take her tights off because she wet those too. He CLAIMED he changed her diaper once while we were gone, but we aren't so sure.....
This is my lovely sister-in-law Keri. She put a really bad picture of me on her blog, so I am entitled to post this picture. She literally BEGGED me to make chocolate ganache on New Years Eve, and I obliged. This was her fleece in the aftermath of us dipping anything we could find into the ganache. And it was sooooo, sooooo good. And easy to make: boil 1/2 cup whipping cream, (yes, boil it) and add 1 cup chocolate chips. Turn the heat off and let the chocolate chips and whipping cream stand for 5 minutes. Do NOT touch it. After 5 minutes, whisk until creamy and WA-LAH! You have ooey, gooey goodness that you can use for icing things and/or dipping. 
And here we are celebrating the New Year. This is the first time we've been WITH each other at 12:00 am on January 1st! I was very excited and wore my special tiara the entire evening, much to everyone else's chagrin. Happy 2010 everyone! 


  1. Margaret, as I am sure you know from having brothers, I have learned having Berit- Boys do not learn to wrestle...they are born with it. Poor Berit has to wait on Dave to get home to get a wrestling fix. And the giddy grin on Dave's face while he is playing with Berit is proof once again. boys will be boys!
