Sunday, September 12, 2010

My 8 roomies

If you told me last week that today I would be living in York with my parents, my brother, his {very} pregnant wife, their 14 year-old, 4 year-old, 3 year-old and my jobless NFL player husband....

I would've scoffed at you.

Well, I would've said something to the effect of "it is a possibility, but highly unlikely." Silly me, who am I to think that I can plan my life? I'm reminded of the verses in Jeremiah that say "for I know the plans I have for you." Our current living situation definitely wasn't something that was in my plans, but it sure has ended up being fun.

In case you were wondering why 9 {10 if you include Baby Hall} of us are now living together in York, let me explain. My brother Daniel and his wife Kelly are currently building a house within walking distance from my parent's house, and they have been living with my parents throughout the building process. Their house is ALMOST complete and it is looking fabulous. Who knows, maybe we'll move in with them next! At any rate, we are all living under the same roof and it provides many hilarious situations. The witty remarks from my dad are endless, such as:

"Thomas and Margaret, don't feel bad. It says in scripture that 'the foxes have holes and the birds have their nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.' So really, your situation is Christ-like."

"If you'd told me 20 years ago that two of my grown children would be living with me including a pregnant lady, 3 kids, and an NFL player with no job, I would've called you crazy. I laid in bed last night and almost started crying."

Thomas has been a human jungle-gym all week for my two youngest nephews and has been such a good sport. He says he now understands what it is like to be a stay-at-home dad.

 And the adults have all been staying up late playing the Wii and getting quite competitive. My "Hunting Traditions" class at Clemson paid off and I beat Thomas in archery. Daniel and Thomas made our night by riding bikes tandem....

And Jackson and Evans fight off the invading dragons at the new house with their weapons:

And I've enjoyed all of the fresh flowers in my mom's garden. The flower arrangement options are endless and her garden is her full time job. Her hard work pays off in all the gorgeous flowers and fresh veggies we enjoy every day.

Although we wouldn't want to live here forever {nor would my father allow us} we are having fun for the time being. 8 roommates aren't that bad after all.

1 comment:

  1. Marge I am seriously praying for y'all!!! I am living with my parents right now b/c I got a job in Charleston while Andrew is still in school at UNC Chapel I'm driving back and forth when I am not working. I just started my job yesterday and orientation is quite intense, so we might not see a whole lot of each other for the next month or so!! :((( SO, I feel your pain in a few different ways, but I am ALSO clinging to Jer. 29:11 and the few verses before and after!! Thank God for his mercy!!
