Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring makes my heart go pitter patter

"When Aslan Bears his teeth winter meets its death. When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." 
—C.S. Lewis

Spring DOES exist here in Massachusetts! I am so thrilled to have flowers in every nook and cranny of our apartment. If you know me, you know that when I am driving around town I am constantly on the search for flowers in "no man's land" aka not in someone's yard. I made Thomas slam on the brakes the other day in order to pick daffodils that were growing on the side of the road. When we were married in college, we lived near hundreds of hydrangea bushes in the botanical garden. I would walk over under the cover of darkness and cut hydrangeas. Don't judge me. The tendencies live on and I must have flowers and I won't pay for them at the grocery store. Mama, if you're reading this, don't be ashamed of me. Be proud that I am attempting to carry on your green thumb! 

Also note that we have our old trunk/coffee table back and all of our kitchen items! We brought back a huge load of things after spring break and I'm thrilled. We got rid of everything else that we owned, besides a couple of boxes in my brother's attic. I've learned that you don't "need" much stuff in order to live comfortably, and simplicity is ALWAYS best. 


  1. I really want to come see your home! It looks lovely with the flowers!

  2. LOVE what you've done with your place and SO excited that you have all of your kitchen stuff that you need. What a huge gift from God to learn the lesson of simplicity. I have loved watching you learn and grow through this unique season, sister.

  3. Oh your Mom would be so proud with the flower arrangements... reminds me of freshman year and picking daffodils! Loved this post - especially the simplicity.. xo
