Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hurry hurry to your kitchen

Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Make these cookies right. this. minute.

They are fat free. 

I am not making this up. In fact, I couldn't make that up, even in my wildest dreams. Thomas has dubbed them "inappropriately good" and is convinced they'll be in heaven right next to Krispy Kreme donuts. These cookies are NOT sugar free, but we don't live in a perfect world now do we?

My sister sent me this website yesterday, and I was instantly drooling. Then I stumbled upon THE COOKIE.  (You can use either recipe listed on the site, I used the one that had slightly less sugar.) I happened to have all of the ingredients (there aren't many) and I figured I'd give them a try. I didn't use as many walnuts as they called for (nor did I toast them), I added a handful of chocolate chips, and I just used plain old Hershey's cocoa powder (dark chocolate of course) instead of whatever that fancy name for cocoa powder is that they used.

Drool away my friends, drool away.

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