Friday, February 18, 2011

What I found on my phone...

I was deleting messages etc on my phone the other day, and I just couldn't help but share the following photos before I deleted them. I realized the hilarity of A. having these photos on my phone and B. the fact that I risked my life to take a few of them discreetly. So, please enjoy.

Here is my dad at the Pat's game with not one but TWO hats on, and looking a tad unfashionable if I do say so myself. I protested him wearing these in public but he said comfort came first and his head was cold. 

I had to get really close to take this photo at Ikea without the little boy or his dad seeing me. Or any other customers for that matter! But, pretending like you're intently texting with your phone directly in front of your nose works pretty well. Can you see that little kid's crack? The best part is, I saw this duo more than once in Ikea and his crack was showing every.single.time. 

I took this photo at a game. Once again, discreet tactics were utilized in order to fully capture that AMAZING 80's purple and black ONE PIECE jumpsuit. With that expensive Coach purse. And she had on high-heeled booties. Where on earth did she find that purple mess of an outfit?

Last but not least, I saw this truck on the way to work the other morning. Doody Calls. Premier Pet Waste Removal Service. Enough said. 


  1. doody calls is hilarious. YOU are hilarious. we miss you.

  2. yes! finally... i have been awaiting this post! it's as hilarious as i thought... the purple jumpsuit was a tad more awful in my mind though
