Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 Healthy Articles

I want to share these two articles with you all that I really love. The first one is an article Thomas found on John Piper's blog about why it is important to be physically fit if you are a Believer. We thought he really wrote well on how we treat our bodies as a reflection on our relationship with Christ. My favorite part is:

"Underneath most of my besetting sins is despondency. I am less prone to such melancholy when I hammer my body three times a week. The reason could be endorphins. Could be ego. Whichever, it’s cheaper than Prozac or psychotherapy. I’m simply happier. And I sleep better. I have more energy."

I personally agree with Piper wholeheartedly on this issue. I just feel better on the days I work out and am easier to be around. Not to mention the fact that I sleep like a rock. Thomas would also agree on this issue--during the off season he only goes about a week without working out and then he goes stir crazy and gets back in the gym.

You can find the John Piper article here. 

The other article is written by Mark Bittman and called: Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? You can find the article here. And just in case you're wondering, the answer is NO. Junk food is not cheaper, so please America, stop using that as your excuse.

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