Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fresh Start

I'm going to turn over a new leaf. I decided to make the blog public again. The whole reason I made it private in the first place was because Thomas was living in Atlanta and I was living in Clemson. And my dear, sweet, loving mother was terrified I would post about living alone in our dangerous duplex and something terrible would happen to me. So I made the blog private and slept with a golf club and a can of wasp spray next to the bed. The golf club was to whack intruders in the nether parts, the wasp spray was to spray directly into their faces. Mother Dear sent me an email forward explaining the benefits of wasp spray versus Mace. So wasp spray it was.

Good news: I no longer live in a duplex with wasp spray and a golf club next to the bed. We actually have no home address at all whatsoever. So don't try to snail mail us anything. And I currently live with my sister while Thomas works hard to make the team.

So, I am going to try to post more often. I can't make any promises except that I will try. So check back often in the coming days and weeks.
