Monday, January 24, 2011

Thomas may or may not have said......

Thomas may or may not have said the following things while under anesthesia:

-in the pre-op room as I was walking away "hey aren't you going to kiss me? I might die in surgery!" I said "no Thomas, there are way too many people in here watching." All 8 nurses, doctors and trainers giggled, while Thomas continued to attempt kissing. In front of all of them.
-in the post-op room he asked for MORE kissing. Once again, there was an audience. Once again, I resisted, and he reminded me that he COULD HAVE died in surgery.
-he asked for ice cream to make his medicine go down easier
-he told me to ask the Dr to pull up his pants legs so I could see how big his calves were. What the??????
**side note, the Dr did in fact get in a 3 point stance in the waiting room to demonstrate for me what a better football player Thomas will be**
-Thomas said "I am so glad I had that surgery, I can already tell I am better. I feel so great."
-he rolled down his window on the ride home since he felt nauseated. Did I mention it was 4 degrees outside?

I am spending most of my time in a panic in case he all the sudden wobbles or falls. WHAT would I do if he fell?

In other news, surgery went well and he'll only be in a hard cast for TWO weeks instead of the original four. That means he can start rehab sooner, which is great because I can only imagine what I'd be dealing with if he were restricted to the couch for 4 weeks. He is already talking about lifting weights while he sits here.

And don't worry, I'll keep taking notes on the crazy things he says.


  1. If he falls, you're in BIG trouble! NOBODY could lift him up! Give him kisses to help the medicine go calories!

  2. oh man, i just died laughing at the quotes... so priceless! glad TA is on the mend!
